Saturday 2 June 2018

Stay Single Until You Find the Right Reason To Marry

In today's world, being single is seriously not an issue. Other than the misery of feeling lonely sometimes, believe me you are a strong person.

You do not have to seek permission to do what you want.

You are free to befriend anybody from anywhere across the globe.

You make every single decision on your own. Of course you sometimes seek other people's opinion, just to confirm your stand.

You work hard just for your own and your family. No one else influence your work arrangements or plans.

You get to choose which activities make you learn about life. For example some of us choose to teach the orphans. Some choose to adopt a child. Some choose to rescue stray animals. Some choose to spend their time with the elderly people. The others choose activities like traveling or hiking. Up to you, really.

You know what you want when it comes to marriage or settling things down. You know that a person who says " I don't wanna think much" or "I don't care what you think" when you confess your feelings to them are a**h**es. If he or she loves you, he or she will never let you be in a situation to lose you. Ever. Leave this person for good forever.

Know the right reason to settle yourself down for marriage or families. Look around to your married friends and ask yourself whether you want to be like them or you just want to be enough on your own until a day you find someone to kind of complete you.

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KELANTAN TRIP (30/11/2021 – 2/12/2021)

Holla!!!!!!! Lama sungguh-sungguh tak update blog aku ini aduhai. Boleh pula menghapdet semasa pandemic Covid-19 ni, eh eh eh…. Well, Alhamd...