Tuesday, 4 September 2018

I Can Do it

As I count the days towards leaving, I have lots of questions lingering in my mind.
How do I manage my finance, pending new job offer?
OK. Before that, do I really want to find a full time job? Which means in the same field as what I am doing now?
Yes and no. Yes simply because of my financial commitments and my intention to travel. No because I now feel kinda traumatized with corporate environment. I do not feel the urge to work in a cubicle, facing so many people's problem (and I really mean the problem is with some of the nasty people, not the work) anymore.
I don't know. Perhaps I think too much. Of course. I have been thinking about leaving since 2016. Now is the time to stop thinking and just doing, right?
Trip with a new travel mate, end of this month.
Examination coming soon after the trip.
Parents expecting me to be with them, knowing that I will be free from work assignments next month.
Trying to move on from a damn crisis relating to other people's serious relationship, which if not being given a proper thought, will be over. With the damn culprit is me, accidentally.
Shit happens and I need to clean them up.
Can I do this?
Yes. With the help of HIM. The only one I have, to guide me through.
Just do it Fairuz! Just do it!

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KELANTAN TRIP (30/11/2021 – 2/12/2021)

Holla!!!!!!! Lama sungguh-sungguh tak update blog aku ini aduhai. Boleh pula menghapdet semasa pandemic Covid-19 ni, eh eh eh…. Well, Alhamd...