Monday, 3 September 2018

I'm The Crazy Cat Lady

Don't mind people calling me crazy cat lady. I know there are others who are much more crazy than me.
Cats are amazing creatures. Although they are not as loyal as dogs, they still love us for whoever we are. Best cats are neutered cats. They behave quite well, do not fight much and do not play too far from our house.
For some married couples, myth has it that they should not have cats or else it will be hard for them to conceive babies. With or without cats, we should maintain a good cleaning hygiene, right? Additionally, if we fully trust in God, we will realise that some things are really beyond our control. So, why not have cats first, while waiting for babies? At least we are helping them to live a better life. It will be a good training ground, before we become real parents.
Learn to co-exist with other God's creatures in this world. Having cats is one way to do it. Trust me, you will learn a lot of things like patience, kindness, empathy, unconditional love and a lot more. Sometimes it is better to talk to them rather than to talk to human being like us. Try it!😎😎😎

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KELANTAN TRIP (30/11/2021 – 2/12/2021)

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